ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Wrath of The Racket” 08/09/03 Styles Samoa Joe Homicide

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ROH Ring Of Honor DVD “Wrath of The Racket” on 08/09/03 from Dayton, OH

1. AJ Styles & Homicide vs Christopher Daniels & Dan Maff with Allison Danger and Jim Cornette for the ROH World Tag Team Championships 

2. Samoa Joe vs BJ Whitmer for the ROH World Championship 

3. Jimmy Rave vs Slim J

4. Michael Shane vs Scoot Andrews vs Slyk Wagner Brown vs Hotstuff Hernandez

5. The Prophecy attack The SAT (Joel & Jose Maxino) and The Amazing Ref during Intermission 

6. Matt Stryker vs Justin Credible

7. The Second City Saints (Ace Steel & Colt Cabana) vs Alex Shelley & Jimmy Jacobs

8. Homicide vs Chris Sabin

9. Nigel McGuinness vs Chet Jablonski for the HWA #1 Contender

10. Jim Cornette introduces his new tag team

11. The SAT (Joel & Jose Maximo) vs Special K vs Carnage Crew vs Fast Eddie & Don Juan

See 2nd photo for matches
