ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Generation Next” on 5/22/2004 from Philadelphia, PA Featuring
- Samoa Joe vs Homicide for the ROH World Championship
- The Confrontation between Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and CM Punk
- Alex Shelley, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs John Walters, Jimmy Rave & The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe)
- The Briscoes vs The Outcast Killaz
- The Second City Saints vs The Prophecy with Allison Danger for the ROH World Tag Team Championship
- Nigel McGuinness vs Jimmy Jacobs
- Jimmy Rave vs John Walters
- Alex Shelley vs Hydro
- Jack Evans, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs Izzy, Angel Dust & Dixie
- Dunn & Marcos vs Christopher Street Connection vs Special K