ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Generation Next” 5/22/04 (Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Homicide, Briscoes & so much more)

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ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Generation Next” on 5/22/2004 from Philadelphia, PA Featuring

  1. Samoa Joe vs Homicide for the ROH World Championship 
  2. The Confrontation between Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and CM Punk
  3. Alex Shelley, Jack Evans, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs John Walters, Jimmy Rave & The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe)
  4. The Briscoes vs The Outcast Killaz
  5. The Second City Saints vs The Prophecy with Allison Danger for the ROH World Tag Team Championship 
  6. Nigel McGuinness vs Jimmy Jacobs
  7. Jimmy Rave vs John Walters
  8. Alex Shelley vs Hydro
  9. Jack Evans, Roderick Strong & Austin Aries vs Izzy, Angel Dust & Dixie
  10. Dunn & Marcos vs Christopher Street Connection vs Special K
