WWE DVD “Royal Rumble 2002” (Rock, Jericho, Flair, Edge & so much more)

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WWE DVD “Royal Rumble 2002”

Used, In Very Good Condition (Hard To Find)

  1. 30 Man Royal Rumble Match Featuring Rikishi, Goldustust, Big Bossman, Bradshaw (JBL), Lance Storm, Al Snow, Billy Gunn, Undertaker, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Maven, Scotty 2 Hotty, Christian, DDP Diamond Dallas Page, Chuck Palumbo, Godfather, Albert, Perry Saturn (ECW), Stone Cold Steve Austin, Val Venis, Test, Triple H, The Hurricane, Faarooq, Mr Perfect, Kurt Angle, Big Show, Kane, RVD Rob Van Dam, Booker T
  2. Chris Jericho vs The Rock for the Undisputed Championship 
  3. Vince McMahon vs Ric Flair in a Street Fight, No DQ, No Count out
  4. Trish Stratus vs Jazz with Jacqueline as special guest referee for the Women’s Championship 
  5. Edge vs William Regal for the Intercontinental Championship 
  6. Pike Dudley & Tazz (Taz) vs The Dudley Boyz with Stacy Keibler for the Tag Team Championships 


