PWS Pro Wrestling Syndicate DVD “Supercard 2014” (Bret Hart, Rhyno, Hurricane & so much more)

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PWS Pro Wrestling Syndicate DVD “Supercard 2014” which took place on June 7th 2014 Featuring 

  1. Battle Royal
  2. The Untouchables vs Amazing Red & Brian XL vs Gregory Iron & Zack Gowen vs  BWO (Blue Meanie & Hollywood Nova) ECW
  3. Bobby Wayward vs Chris Payne
  4. Mason Ryan vs The Lifeguard
  5. Bret Hart Interview
  6. Rhino (Rhyno) vs Lowki
  7. Colt Cabana & The Hurricane vs Harry Smith (David Hart Smith) & Lance Archer
  8. Alex Reynolds & Kyle Reynolds vs Pat Buck & John Silver in a Ladder Match
  9. Reality Check vs Chimento Family
  10. Bombshell Ladies 6 Way Featuring Jessie Kaye, Hania & Amber Rodriguez vs Missy Sampson, Annie Social & La Rosa Negra
  11. Bonesaw vs Mario Bokara
  12. Suicidal 6 Way Featuring Sonjay Dutt vs Facade vs Shynron vs The Drunken Swashbuckler vs Habib from the car wash vs Matt Macintosh
  13. Dan Maff vs Starman
