ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Honor Takes Center Stage, Chapter One” 4/1/2011 (Kings of Wrestling, Adam Cole, Briscoes & so much more)

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ROH Ring of Honor DVD “Honor Takes Center Stage, Chapter One” on 4/1/2011 from Atlanta, GA Featuring

  1. Eddie Edwards vs Christopher Daniels for the ROH World Championship 
  2. The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli (Cesaro)) vs Shelton Benjamin & Charlie Haas
  3. Roderick Strong vs Davey Richards (Final Battle 2010 Rematch)
  4. The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe) vs Adam Cole & Kyle O’Reilly
  5. Sara Del Rey & Serena Deeb vs Hiroyo Matsumoto & Ayumi Kurihara
  6. Colt Cabana vs Homicide vs Caleb Konley vs Tommaso Ciampa
  7. El Generico (Sami Zayn) vs Michael Elgin
